So I have quit caffeine cold turkey a few days ago, and my days have been long and hellish since. Cold chills, headaches, muscle pain, and a sore throat are all specialties of the menu of caffeine with drawl. Anyway here is an album that has calmed me at least for a few moments. I am trying hard to embrace the pain, as I would want to embrace the happinies and health I feel most days. So if you are huddled in blankets fighting off a cold or flu, or a more serious disease, or you feel better than ever or somewhere in between embrace it. In the words of M Ward via Daniel Johnston "God it’s great to be alive. Takes the skin right off my hide. To think I’ll have to give it all up someday"

Here is the album that brought me moments of comfort its Superwolf by Bonnie "Prince" Billy and Matt Sweeney.
EnjoyOh, another thing that has brought me some distraction from the pain are two movies, Dead Poets Society and Before Sunrise. Check them out.
I have lots of reactions to your recent posts but I'll put them all in this comment box here. First of all, I'm glad to get a couple of the older National albums, which, as you know, I have only partially (some tracks missing). Secondly, I don't know if we ever got around to discussing it before I left, but I finally saw that Daniel Johnston documentary ("Daniel Johnston and the Devil" I believe) and it left an impression on me. It's a sad but really good story and as a result I immediately bought "Hi, How are You" on iTunes (which wasn't as good as I'd hoped but still has a few great songs on it). I've also been meaning to give some listening time to The Silver Jews since anything involving Stephen Malkmus has to have at least some value... looking forward to checking this stuff out whenever my dinosaur-like internet connection gets around to downloading it. -Dusty
P.S. This album by Bonnie Prince Billy and Matt Sweeney has been a favorite of mine for 3 years now. Really good, relaxing, pensive music.
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